About / Platform
“There are few things more dishonorable than misleading the young.”
-Thomas Sowell.
My entire life I have had a drive to serve in some capacity which I learned from my grandfather, who served in the U.S. Army during the second World War and then as a Berkeley Firefighter. My father served in the Air Force and then as a Police Officer for 46 years. This led me to serve in the Marine Corps and then as a Police Officer.
I have witnessed the slow destruction of the foundation or our country for years and although I may not be a police officer any longer, the need to serve is still very present. What is happening within our school systems is nothing less than dishonorable.
With the teaching of Critical Race Theory (aka Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) we are exposing our next generation to teachings based on Marxism. Designed to divide, pit neighbor against neighbor, create persons who are taught to disregard our founding by judging the mistakes of our past through a lens of “social justice”. Thus, creating a world view that destroys our country’s founding by dismissing the challenges we have overcome as a nation.
Do not be fooled by the “feel good” title, this teaching is here in our school district. This Marxist ideology is being taught and as parents, we cannot allow our children to be exposed to this any further. When this ideology is exposed to truth and light, people can see what it is, what it is intended to do and it is swiftly defeated.